December 21, 2008

What Is A Personal Injury

A personal injury means any harm caused to a person, either physical or psychological, such as a broken bone or a cut. It also refers to any invasion of a personal right, including mental suffering and false imprisonment. It is the name given to the branch of tort law that covers any wrong or damage done to another in his person, property, rights, or reputation as the result of an accident or medical malpractice.

A personal injury can happen at work, in a traffic accident, in a defective product accident and holiday accidents, or because you slipped and fell on a wet floor or pavement.

A personal injury must occur due to the negligence or unreasonably unsafe actions of your employer, a manufacturer, your doctor, your landlord, or some other person or organization that owes you a duty of ordinary care.

Where the accident was the fault of someone else, the injured party may be entitled to monetary compensation from the person whose negligent conduct caused the injury.

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