According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA),more than 3 million people are injured and more than 41,000 people are killed each year in motorcycle accidents. The statistics also show that motorcyclists are 32 times more likely to die in an accident than passenger vehicle occupants, and 6 times more likely to suffer injuries. Many of the motorcycle accidents result in significant personal injury —even death—to drivers and passengers. Motorcycle related traffic accidents that result in injuries and death have steadily increased in the last ten years.
Motorcycle accidents can result in different injuries; mainly include traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, fractures, broken bones, disfigurement, etc.
Injuries in motorcycle accidents are usually more serious than those in other accidents mostly because motorcycles offer much less protection to their drivers and passengers than passenger vehicles.
If the accident happened between a motorcycle and a passenger vehicle, likely it is not the Motorcyclist’s fault. Because of the size differences, sometimes motorcycles are harder to be seen and lost in the passenger vehicle’s “blind spot.” so the motorcycle is often sideswiped by the passenger vehicle.
If the accident happened between motorcycles, then the causes are mainly include speeding, road conditions, aggressive driving or even stunt driving Another common cause of motorcycle accidents is stunt driving. Many motorcyclists perform stunts, weave in and out of traffic, and perform wheelies at high speeds on our roads. These cyclists are not only endangering themselves, but other motorists as well and these stunts often result in fatal or traumatic accidents. Penalties for such behavior are stiff, and can include fines of up to $3,000.00, however these laws are difficult to enforce because of the sheer speed of the motorcycles.
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