November 26, 2009
Ohio minimum wage won’t rise in 2010
For tipped employees , the minimum wage remains at $3.65 per hour. Under state law, if the employee’s tips plus wages don’t average $7.30 per hour, the employer must pay the difference.
The constitutional amendment passed by voters in November 2006 states that Ohio’s minimum wage shall increase on January 1 of each year by the rate of inflation. The wage is tied to the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for urban wage earners and clerical workers for the 12-month period prior to September. Since the index declined by 0.2 percent from Sept. 1, 2008 to Aug. 31, 2009, so the state minimum wage will not be increased in 2010.
The state minimum wage will continue to apply to employers who gross more than $267,000 per year. For employers grossing less than $267,000 per year the state minimum wage is $7.25 per hour-- an amount equal to the federal minimum wage.
October 21, 2009
DOL announces grant exceeding $1 million to assist Iowa layoff workers
On Sep 8, the U.S. Department of Labor announced a $1,096,423 grant to assist approximately 178 workers affected by layoffs at Alcoa North American Rolled Products in Bettendorf, Iowa, took place between January and June 2009, and John Deere Davenport Works in Davenport, Iowa, began in February 2009.
This grant will be funded by resources made available for National Emergency Grants under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. National Emergency Grants are part of the secretary of labor's discretionary fund and are awarded based on a state's ability to meet specific guidelines.
This grant was awarded to Iowa Workforce Development, and will be operated by Iowa@Work, a division of Eastern Iowa Community College. It will allow affected workers to access services including skills assessment, basic skills training, individual career counseling and occupational skills training.
"Iowa workers affected by these layoffs need and deserve support," said Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis. "The grant will provide retraining, job search assistance and other services to help them prepare for career track positions in promising regional industries."
September 23, 2009
Employment Numbers of Last August
Since this administration took office, the economy had been losing average 700,000 jobs every month, so the job loss of last month is an improvement, “but is still by no means acceptable”, said Hilda L. Solis, "These numbers are a sobering reminder that our economic conditions continue to cause pain for many Americans and that families are having a difficult time simply covering their daily necessities, much less planning for the future.”
One of the Department of Labor’s principal goals is to help those people that have lost their jobs until there is a full recovery that includes sustained job growth. They have taken some measures to protect workers, such as extending the number of weeks available for unemployment insurance, increasing the monthly benefit amount by an extra $25 a week, strengthening social safety net by subsidizing 65 percent of COBRA premiums and providing new training opportunities for workers, so that the unemployed can more easily access health insurance.
At the same time, the Recovery Act has also provided much needed aid to states and has spurred work on shovel-ready projects. Sep 3 marked the 200-day milestone of the Recovery Act, and Vice President Biden announced that all 10 agencies met or exceeded their commitments in our roadmap to recovery.
Hilda L. Solis also mentioned that “We still have a long way to go until we can say that the economy is back on track and everyone has access to a good job, but I am confident that we will reach that goal. And I will make sure that the Department of Labor is standing by, supporting workers every step of the way."
September 16, 2009
Nearly 1,800 North Carolina Workers Got $2 Million Health Insurance Payments
North Carolina Department of Commerce awarded the grant and will use it to make "gap filler" payments for unemployed individuals who are receiving Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) benefits and are eligible for the Health Coverage Tax Credit (HCTC) program, under which, eligible individuals and their family members can receive 80 percent of premium costs for qualified health insurance programs. The state of North Carolina will also provide two to three months of "gap filler" payments for the participants.
The funding will take some of the pressure off families who are trying hard to find new work in a tough economy and allow eligible out-of-work North Carolinians to maintain their health insurance. "The challenges associated with a job search are enough without worrying about a lack of health insurance if you or a family member fall ill or need medical attention," said Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis. "This funding will help eligible North Carolinians pay for health insurance while they seek out new careers that pay family-supporting wages and provide benefits for the long-term."
Funding for the grant comes from resources made available for health coverage National Emergency Grants under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.
August 16, 2009
Heat Illness Prevention Regulations Strengthened by Cal/OSHA
Besides, the state budget just signed has authorized the spending of $1.5 million to expand upon the efforts already in place to educate workers and employers about the necessity of heat illness prevention. This was the expanding outreach to train outdoor workers and employers , and will help to expand Cal/OSHA's successful participation and partnership with industry, labor, and community groups.
Under the Governor’s leadership, California was the first state in the nation to develop a safety and health regulation addressing heat illness in 2005. Cal/OSHA issued permanent heat illness prevention regulations to protect outdoor workers in 2006. The Regulations address such topics as shade requirements, drinking water requirements, heat illness training requirements and other related subtopics. They require that the employer make shade available, provide drinking water, provide training to both supervisors and workers, and requires that the written heat illness prevention program include a plan for summoning emergency responders.
"Today we are moving to clarify amendments to the standards and to ensure that we provide the necessary measures to improve upon our first in the nation regulation to protect outdoor workers from the summer heat," said DIR Director John C. Duncan. "This package will, among other things, include a requirement for shade to be present at all times and a trigger for shade to be up when the temperature exceeds 85 degrees. It also makes it clear that employees have the right to take a rest in the shade whenever they feel the need to do so to prevent themselves from overheating."
August 06, 2009
QuikTrip to Pay $750,000 in Back Wage
The Department of Labor said on Monday that they found Tulsa-based QuikTrip had violated the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) by failing to pay its employees the overtime compensation they were legally entitled to receive. The chain did not pay additional overtime premiums due on performance-related bonuses. Among the states involved in the investigation were Missouri , Illinois , Arizona , Georgia , Iowa , Nebraska , Oklahoma and Texas .
An employer is not required by law to provide a bonus, but if a nondiscretionary bonus is paid, the bonus must be included as part of the employee's regular rate of pay for purposes of computing overtime. The FLSA requires that covered employees be paid at least the federal minimum wage and receive overtime at one and one-half times their regular rates of pay for hours worked beyond 40 per week. Effective July 24, 2009, the minimum wage is $7.25 per hour. Employers must also maintain accurate time and payroll records.
Mike Thornbrugh, QuikTrip spokesman, said that "We have an additional form of compensation, and that is an additional bonus that we pay based on customer service…What we did, and it's our fault, is we had a computer programming error that was paying some employees too much for that and others were not getting the appropriate amount. We obviously fixed the program and reimbursed employees who were not getting the proper amount."
"I am pleased that this case has resulted in almost $750,000 in back wages being paid to thousands of workers across nine states," said Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis. "I am committed to ensuring that every worker is paid the full wages he or she is due, and that those who work overtime receive the compensation to which they are legally entitled."

July 30, 2009
Federal minimum wage increased to $7.25 on July 24
This increase is the third and final of three provided by the enactment of the Fair Minimum Wage Act of 2007, which amended the federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) to increase the federal minimum wage in three steps: to $5.85 per hour effective July 24, 2007; to $6.55 per hour effective July 24, 2008; and now to $7.25 per hour effective July 24, 2009. Workers from 30 states, where the state minimum wage is currently at or below the federal minimum wage, or there is no state minimum wage, get benefits. Besides, it also benefits workers in the District of Columbia, where the minimum wage is required to be $1 more than the federal minimum wage. Covered employers from other states, who have a minimum wage rate that is higher than the federal rate, must comply with both state and federal laws.
"This administration is committed to improving the lives of working families across the nation, and the increase in the minimum wage is another important step in the right direction," said Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis. "This well-deserved increase will help workers better provide for their families in the face of today's economic challenges. I am especially pleased that the change will benefit working women, who make up two-thirds of minimum wage earners."
July 14, 2009
How to avoid pedestrian accidents
1. Alwayse keep good visibility. It is crucial for a driver to see clearly about the road condition, weather condition as well as the pedestrians around while driving. It is advisable to wear sunglasses during daylight and keep the windshield clean.
2. Take care of the blind spots. Pedestrians may come up anywhere at any time, so never assume that there are no pedestrians nearby. When you want to back the vehicle, check your blind spots carefully will be help.
3. Exercise more caution around school buses and ice-cream trucks. Children are vulnerable in accidents, so drivers should take greater duty of care when it comes to them. Children alwayse pay very little attention to traffic condition so when meet with them, you’d better be more careful.
4. Be sensitive to motion. Alwayse be alert and ready to take action. Check any motion even if they are slight. Remember, unexpected accidents can happen anytime in any forms.
Whether you have personally been injured in a pedestrian accident or you are the relative of someone injured, the accident attorney members of Walker & Walker Legal Network can help you recover compensation for injuries, medical costs, loss of earnings, and other damages or expenses stemming from the accident.
July 02, 2009
Your Best Marketing Tool

Although correct strategies can make a business grow, but now it is a contemporary consumer society, so in fact, the best marketing tool is what your products. Any person who has used your products may compare yours with the same ones in other brands. Then, they may share their experiences with whom they know, or even whom they don’t know, with the help of the internet. It is

So try to make your products more qualified to meet the most urgent needs of your clients. Even if the matter became the last thing that cross your minds before falling asleep and the first thing that rush in when you awake, it seems right.
June 26, 2009
Healthy Families Act Would Guarantee Paid Sick Leave

The Act would require businesses with more than 15 employees to grant no less than one hour of paid sick leave per every 30 hours worked, up to a total of 7 paid sick days per year. Employees would be eligible to use paid sick leave after 60 days.
Employees could use the sick leave for their own illness,

The Times notes that similar legislation was attempted repeatedly during the Bush administration. The current bill's preamble notes that more than half private sector employees, and a vast majority of low wage workers have no paid sick leave, requiring them to choose between losing pay (and perhaps losing a job) and caring for themselves or their family.
The latest statistics show that more than half private sector employees and a vast majority of low wage workers have no sick leave. They must choose between losing pay (and perhaps losing a job) and caring for themselves or their family.
Business groups are vowing to block the legislation, arguing that the recession makes this an inopportune time to create a new mandate that they say would raise costs for employers. Supporters, on the other hand, say the legislation is especially timely now, given the swine flu epidemic.
San Francisco and Washington D.C. already require paid sick leave, and Milwaukee as well as many states are currently considering doing so as well. In addition, the legislatures of some other states, including Connecticut and Massachusetts, are debating similar measures.
June 21, 2009
Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act Goes Into Effect
Under GINA, the EEOC definition of “genetic information” includes information about an individual’s family medical history. The law would prohibit an employer from asking about family medical history during an interview, or at any time after the employee is hired. It also prohibits employers from gathering information about the employee through individual genetic tests, or genetic tests of a family member.The law has two parts: Title I and Title II. Title I, goes into effect on May 21, 2009, prohibits health insurance providers from discrimination against an individual based on genetic testing. This makes it illegal for health insurance providers to use or require genetic information to make decisions about a person's insurance eligibility or coverage. Title II, goes into effect on November 21, 2009, makes it illegal for employers to use a person's genetic information when making decisions about hiring, promotion, and several other terms of employment.
GINA applies to employers with 15 or more employees, including private employers, employment agencies, labor unions, and joint labor-management training programs. It also applies to government employers with 15 or more workers, including state and local governments, agencies of the federal executive branch and Congress. Each of these employers is referred to as a “covered entity” in the GINA regulations.
June 15, 2009
Obama Speeds Up Stimulus Spending

President Barack Obama announced plans on June 8 to accelerate stimulus spending to save or create 600,000 jobs over the next 100 days, four times the number created or saved in the first 100 days since the plan was signed into law on February 17.
The announcement came days after the government reported that the number of unemployed continues to rise. The Labor Department reported that U.S. unemployment rose to 9.4 percent in May, even though job losses last month slowed to 345,000. The rate is the highest in more than 25 years. Hundreds of thousands of Americans continue to lose jobs each month, although fewer jobs were lost last month than expected.
"We've got a long way to go, but I feel like we've made great progress," Obama said at a White House meeting with Vice President Joe Biden and cabinet officials aimed at highlighting gains made since Congress passed the massive stimulus package in February. Obama has claimed as many as 150,000 jobs saved or created by his stimulus plan so far, even as government reports have shown the economy has lost more than 1.6 million jobs.
The White House estimates the $787 billion Recovery and Reinvestment Act that Democrats pushed through Congress with little Republican support will create or save 3 million to 4 million jobs by early 2011.
June 08, 2009
Swine Flu--What Should Employers Do

If you are an employer, then you have the responsibility to protect your employees. You should let your employees know that you also have concerns, and you have made every effort to keep them safe. Basically, you can post infection control instructions on company website, or in elevators, such as frequent hand washing with soap and water, or even alcohol-based hand gels. Besides, there are some other aspects you should pay attention to:
First, you should review your safety policies and develop an emergency response plan. You should try to reach the “best practices” that go beyond legal requirements. This will be helpful. An emergency response plan can save lives and properties of a company in case of a disaster.
Second, you’d better review your home-stay policies and adjust them. Employees can be encouraged to work at home if they experience flu-like symptoms. In this way, you can continue your operation in a crisis. This will be helpful and reduce your loss.
Then, you should make plans for a potential impact of a pandemic on your business, your employees and customers. Try to communicate with your employees that you are following the situation closely and will take all necessary steps to ensure their safety and health.
June 03, 2009
Let Blog Help in Your Marketing

First, blogs are easy to create. Comparing a website, web blogs can be created in just a few minutes. There are many free blog sites, where you can register and start your own blog right away. You only have to use your email address and a topic for your blog.
Second, blogs provide instant communications. You can add new posts from anywhere you go, and whenever you would like to add, as long as you have an internet connection. Thus, you can easily communicate with prospects, customers, and friends, to show them the latest news and activities about your business.
Third, blogs bring traffic to your website. In your blog, you may write all kind of topics. As long as they relate to your business, you can insert a link that pointing to your website. Besides, you may also invite people to subscribe to your RSS feeds. In this way, they can keep informed all the time.
These are only some of the advantages of blogs. Once you create one, you will find they are really useful.
May 31, 2009
Some unique buildings from around the world
The Crooked House--Sopot, Poland

Wonderworks--Pigeon Forge, Tennessee

House Attack--MuMoK, Vienna

Toilet Shaped House--Suweon, South Korea

The Dancing House--Prague, Czech Republic

May 25, 2009
May 10, 2009
A Few Tips for Online Sweepstakes Entrants

It is important for you to tell the difference between real sweepstakes and scams. The biggest difference is that real sweepstakes are free. They won’t ask you to buy products in order to get higher odds of winning. So if you're asked to pay, the sweepstakes is a scam.
Ask yourself these questions before entering to sweepstakes to prevent being scammed: Does the promoter ask you for bank account information or other personal account information? Do they ask you to wire money or make a payment in an urgent manner? Does the activity clearly state that no purchase is necessary to win and a purchase will not increase your chances of winning?
Real sweepstakes won't ask for your personal account information and you don’t have to pay or buy products to be eligible to attend the sweepstakes. Usually, real sweepstakes will have a "No purchase is necessary" statement.
The best and legitimate sweepstakes are the free ones. But since there are too many people sign up with them, you have to envisage realities that your chances of winning are very low.
April 22, 2009
Follow Your Client’s Wish

When consumers buying things, they do have one clear purpose or reason in mind. Only when what you provide can help them enough can they pay for it willingly. Thus, it will be better for you if you can offer a kind of product or service that other businesses would not have. And this is not a one-time deal either. Once they know what you offer can meet their need well, then every time they or someone they know need such product or services, they will think about you first.
When you are trying to start your next marketing campaign, make sure your next product or service is just what your target client are looking for. In this way, you can not only gain new customers, but also give your current client more confident to go on believe in you.
April 15, 2009
Differences between Contests and Sweepstakes
The basic difference is that contests are games of skill, while sweepstakes are games of chance. In contests, skill is needed, and people can increase the chances to win by becoming more skillful or by practicing. In sweepstakes, winners are determined only by luck. You won’t have ways to improve chances of winning.
As for the odds, the chance of winning a sweepstake is much smaller than winning a contest. Sweepstakes are free and simple, and they are games of chance, so sometimes the odds can be less than 1 in 100,000,000. However, in contests, skills are need so there will be less entries, and the winning odds also will be much bigger.
With regard to entry fees, sweepstakes are completely free without a purchase of any kind because they are only games of chance. Unlike sweepstakes, contests can charge entry fees or use your delivered product to help promoting their products.
Besides, People can improve themselves in contests. Anything that allows you to display your special skill can become the subject of a contest, such as essay writing, photography, etc. Whether you win or not, the feedback from the visitors can help you improve, so that you can do better next time.
March 31, 2009
Some Tips That Can Make Your Business Effective-2 of 2
Take advantage of online forums
There are two kinds of online forum works: set up a forum in your own site and keep active in other forums that related to your business scope. Forums can be treated as communities that allow members with similar interest to interact and share thoughts. This can be a good promotion for your business.
Hold sweepstakes
Sweepstakes are consumer-focused sales or awareness promotions which utilize the excitement and enthusiasm generated by a prize incentive to draw entries for the opportunity to win the offered prizes through a chance based drawing. This can enlarge the awareness of your business, and will bring more traffic.
Take part in Cross promotion
Cross promotion is a form of advertising that involves two or more parties. Each party helps promote other party's product or service. It is really a good way to have other people help you promote your product or service.
Employ blog
Blog is a effective tool to help you get the word out. You can update the blog with the latest news or products of your business. Usually, RSS feeds are also used to syndicate your sales message and content.
Of course, the mentioned tips are basic ones to make your business effective. There are many other good ways. As long as you devote yourself to your business, you will get a satisfying result sooner or later.
March 23, 2009
Some Tips That Can Make Your Business Effective-1 of 2
Make your product or services unique
As you probably know, the more common your product or service is, the fiercer the competition will be. So it is better for you to open a new path and try to make something needed but unique appear on the market.
Build up you own database
Database can be lists or information about your potential clients or even your competitors. With the list of your potential clients, you can know what they need; while after analyzing the information of your competitors, you can generally know their situation and trends. Powerful database can help you make strategic marketing policies.
Perform affiliates program
Try to make your business able to accept people as members. Of course, people who are willing to join are those who have the tendency to pay for your product or service, or at least they are interest in what you provide. So you can also treat them as your potential client. Inform them the latest activities or newest product of your business.
March 15, 2009
Wrongful Termination
Wrongful termination is the most common term used for an unfair employment discharge. However, not every unfair employment discharge constitutes wrongful termination. It is obvious that the most important premise here is “wrongful” or “illegal”. So an employer must discharge an employee “wrongfully” or “illegally” to constitute wrongful termination. If the discharge is not illegal, then it won’t be treated as “wrongful termination”, regardless of how unfair it seems, at least in the legal sense.
So if you feel that you have been fired for reasons that are illegal, and want to raise a wrongful termination claim, it is not enough for you to simply show you were treated unfairly but you must show that the dismissal was “wrongful”. Contact an experienced workers compensation lawyer to discuss the circumstances of your termination.
March 03, 2009
Work Accident Claims
A work accident claim happens after the employee’s injury during work, is the employee’s way of getting back losses of earnings while suffering from the accident.
The employers have the responsibility to ensure all the employees’ safety in workplace. They must provide the employees with safe working environments and adequate related trainings. However, work accidents tend to occur and many of them result in serious injuries. If the worker suffers from the injury that due to the negligence of the employer or the defective machinery, which is considered as the company property, then the worker can make a work accident claim.
If you suffered an injury at work and your Doctor recommends time off for you to heal, you may be eligible for 104 weeks of temporary disability. For more severe injuries, you may be eligible for 240 weeks of disability payments.
It is advisable for you to approach an experienced work accident lawyer, who will guide you to get your compensation back.
February 16, 2009
Some Features of Legitimate Sweepstakes
Clear rules
Longer or shorter, all real sweepstakes have very clear rules. They use the rules to give entrants instructions or restriction. While spams pay more attention to get your information so there may be no rules or vague ones.
Ask for reasonable information and have privacy policy
Legitimate sweepstakes will only ask for your general information, such as your name, address, email address, etc. They will never ask you to provide financial information such as your credit number or bank account. Besides, they will tell you how they are going to use your information. Read the privacy policy carefully will be helpful.
Follow basic sweepstakes laws
Legitimate sweepstakes will follow the related laws and won’t charge you any fees. They won’t ask you to purchase as a premise, nor promise you better chances to win if you purchase.
Have sponsorsLegitimate sweepstakes are sponsored by certain companies in order to expand awareness of the companies’ products or services, so all the sweepstakes have very clear aims. So if you can’t tell what the sweepstakes is promoting, don’t join them.
February 12, 2009
Instant Win Sweepstakes
Unlike regular sweepstakes, in which you have to wait until the giveaway ends and a winner is drawn before you know whether you will receive a prize or not, in instant win sweepstakes, you will know the result as soon as your entry goes through.
After your entry, if you are an instant winner, the winning message will pop immediately on your computer screen. Comparing with the regular sweepstakes, the instant win sweepstakes can keep the entrants’ high enthusiasms and a lot of people think they prefer this kind of sweepstakes, which can make them feel more excited.
Besesesides, many instant win sweepstakes let entrants play games before they find out whether they’ve won or not. But in fact, entrants’ performances in the game will hardly affect the result of whether they will win or not. The games are only exist to make the sweepstakes funnier and more exciting. So you can skip the game if you like, which won’t affect your choice of winning. NT>
As for how the instant win sweepstakes run, usually the sponsors will pick a random winning time for each prize and the first person who enter the sweepstakes after that time has pass will win the prize.
Last but not least, be sure to read the rules carefully, which may help you get the idea about how to enter such sweepstakes better.
February 10, 2009
Why Do Companies Hold Sweepstakes and Contest
Create “buzz” about a product or service: Behind every customer, there may stand hundreds or even thousands of potential customers. The most effective way of promoting a product or service is by word of mouth. So sweepstakes and contests can encourage people to talk about the sponsors and their products.
Bring traffic to the website: Online sweepstakes and contests can help the sponsors to gain much more traffic to their websites. You will never have the chance to sell your product to someone who even doesn’t know your product existence. So as long as the visitors know your products or service, they may become your clients in some day.
Build an email list for the company: Usually all the online sweepstakes and contest ask the entrants to leave their email addresses, which will be valuable resources for the sponsor to use in the future. With the email list, the company can easily promote its new products and services, in forms of newsletters, for example.
Provide market research result: Many sweepstakes and contest will require the entrants to answer optional or survey questions. Thus, the sponsor can get the information about how its potential customers think or what they need. This can help them take action more efficiently.
Anyhow, sweepstakes and contests are good ways for companies to promote themselves.
February 05, 2009
What should you know about motorcycle accident-2 of 2
1. Report the accident to police. The police should be informed as soon as possible when an accident happened, and the police report may be helpful to your lawyer in determining fault.
2. Record as much related information as you can. Evident like the names, phone numbers and statements of witnesses, pictures and record of unusual circumstances, the involved vehicle’s number will be useful if your case go to court.
3. If you got serious injury, go to your doctor immediately and take good care of all medical expense bills and medical reports for future use. Even if you don’t have any obvious injuries, it is advisable for you to get checked out by a physician, because some internal injuries do not show up right away.4. Inform your insurance company to report the accident and contact a motorcycle accident injury lawyer as soon as possible. Show all the materials you can offer and be honest to your lawyer.
If you, or someone you love has been involved in a motorcycle injury accident, contact an experienced accident injury lawyer to get back the compensation to which you are entitled.
January 31, 2009
What should you know about motorcycle accident-1 of 2
Motorcycle accidents can result in different injuries; mainly include traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, fractures, broken bones, disfigurement, etc.
Injuries in motorcycle accidents are usually more serious than those in other accidents mostly because motorcycles offer much less protection to their drivers and passengers than passenger vehicles.
If the accident happened between a motorcycle and a passenger vehicle, likely it is not the Motorcyclist’s fault. Because of the size differences, sometimes motorcycles are harder to be seen and lost in the passenger vehicle’s “blind spot.” so the motorcycle is often sideswiped by the passenger vehicle.
If the accident happened between motorcycles, then the causes are mainly include speeding, road conditions, aggressive driving or even stunt driving Another common cause of motorcycle accidents is stunt driving. Many motorcyclists perform stunts, weave in and out of traffic, and perform wheelies at high speeds on our roads. These cyclists are not only endangering themselves, but other motorists as well and these stunts often result in fatal or traumatic accidents. Penalties for such behavior are stiff, and can include fines of up to $3,000.00, however these laws are difficult to enforce because of the sheer speed of the motorcycles.
January 24, 2009
Personal Injury Compensation Claims
There is one important thing that a claimant must remember: the claim is resolved within 3 years from the date of injury. So if you want to make a claim, do it as soon as possible. When an accident takes place, it is good for you to get medical treatment immediately and then collect needed information as evidences, which will be very useful in your claim and make your claim quickly and efficiently.
Many people may feel unsure about whether the claim is worth trying, so they treat personal injury claim as a waste of time. However, with the help of experienced attorneys, you can get your legitimate rights and interests. In an accident that wasn’t your fault, you can get your compensation to cover all your accident-related costs. Contact a seasoned personal injury attorney to evaluate your case and help you obtain the compensation you deserve
January 21, 2009
Types Of Sweepstakes 3 of 3
Entry frequency is another common way of distinguishing sweepstakes. Usually, the sweepstakes can be divided into:
-One entry Sweepstakes: Everyone can only enter this kind of sweepstakes once. This means every entrant has the same chances to win. People who don’t have much time to sweep prefer this kind.
-Daily Sweepstakes: This kind of sweepstakes allows entrants to enter on a daily basis. So if you enter them every day, you will have higher odds to win.
-Weekly Sweepstakes: This kind of sweepstakes allows entrants to enter on a weekly basis. However, it may be difficult to remember to enter these sweepstakes so if you can do it weekly, your chance to win will be increased.
-Monthly Sweepstakes: Just as its name implies, monthly sweepstakes allows people to enter every month. Also, entrants who enter regularly will have better chances of winning.
-Unlimited Sweepstakes: You can enter this kind of sweepstakes many times, as many as you like.
-Ongoing Sweepstakes: This kind of sweepstakes has no specific expiring date and it will ongoing until the sponsor announces the end.
Sweepstakes can also be divided by who can enter. For example, some sweepstakes only open to people in certain areas, some open to certain ages, and some have other restrictions.
January 14, 2009
Types Of Sweepstakes 2 of 3
The entry method can affect the cost as well as your chance to win.
-Online Sweepstakes: This kind of sweepstakes allows you to enter on line. This is the easiest kind of sweepstakes and it is totally free. But just because it is easy and free, there will be many entrants, so the chances of winning will be low.
-Email Sweepstakes: By entering this kind of sweepstakes, you have to send the sponsor your entry information by an email. This is also free but will take you more time.
-Mail-in Sweepstakes: In order to enter this kind of sweepstakes, you will send your entry to the sponsor by postal mail. Thus, you have to pay for postage and so there are fewer people who tend to enter it.
-Call-in Sweepstakes: This kind of sweepstakes is usually run by radio stations or television shows. You have to use the phone number provided by the sponsor to give your entry information to a representative. When entering this kind of sweepstakes, you must be careful of hidden phone charges.
-Drop Boxes: You enter this kind of sweepstakes by filling out an entry form and drop it in a box. They are often found in supermarkets, malls or other local businesses. Oftentimes this kind of sweepstakes is locally so entrants from that area will have higher odds to win.
January 08, 2009
Types Of Sweepstakes 1 of 3
Generally speaking, sweepstakes can be classified according to how you win, enter method, enter frequency, and who can enter.
This is the most basic way to classify sweepstakes. Thus there are two kinds: regular sweepstakes and instant win sweepstakes.
In regular sweepstakes, you won’t know whether you win or not until the sweepstakes end. Winners are chosen by chance and everyone has the equal chance of being drawn as the winner, while in instant win sweepstakes, the sponsor will set a random moment and anyone who is the first to enter the sweepstakes will be the winner.
January 05, 2009
ABC About Sweepstakes
In the United States, sweepstakes are very important ways of marketing promotions. Sponsoring companies usually use the opportunities to generating enthusiasm and providing incentive reactions among customer by supporting the sweepstakes with featured prizes. The prizes people can win in sweepstakes are very different, from less than one dollar to more than one million dollars and also can be cars, homes, etc
The size of sweepstakes are also various, from international, national, state, local, to geographical. However, all the sweepstakes must comply with some certain laws. In many states of the United States, there are laws to rule the sweepstakes.